Friday, May 28, 2010

My Fablehaven Challenge Total

Book 1: 3
Book 2: 3
Book 3:2
Book 4: 3
Book 5: 2
Total: 13 days!

Can anyone beat that?
For more details go to my blog archive, 2010-May-Fablehaven Challange


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry. I think I sounded mean on my other one so I deleted it. I've had all 5 books checked out from my library for more than a week but didn't have time to read them :(

    but yeah.. lol... I juuust finished them all in 2 days :) Started yesterday and done an hour-ish ago. And I'm having dinner parties on both days + a photoshoot. Dunno how I did it. Sooo happy!! :D
