Saturday, May 29, 2010

the Work and the Glory

Wow, my sister is reading the Work and the Glory and is already on the 2nd one! I don't hear her so my guess is that she's still reading. She started today at 2 in the afternoon, and I come home at 5:30 pm and she's on page 275! I don't know if she started the book today, but she's fast. I've never seen her read so fast in my life! I'm usually the reader in the family(and my mom, but I read faster)
I'm starting the worry my sister's getting faster than me! I need to find something to read a nice, good, big book. like Inkheart, maybe I'll read that series again. Reading something is better than doing nothing, but yesterday I didn't read, I was bored out of my mind! I had a headache so I couldn't read something my mom wants me to read, Walk in Wolf Wood I can't read while I have a headache, so I decided to take a nap. I tried to fall asleep, but after 4 hours I gave up.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school! And the school building I went to this year is being torn down, We'll be going to a new building next year. It's sad to lose the building, but I'll be glad to go to a Brand New School, really close to my elementary.
Ok, I've made 3 posts today, I think I blabbed enough for today.

My Fablehaven Challenge Total

Book 1: 3
Book 2: 3
Book 3:2
Book 4: 3
Book 5: 2
Total: 13 days!

Can anyone beat that?
For more details go to my blog archive, 2010-May-Fablehaven Challange

Finish #5

I finished yesterday! I finished the series again!
I started, Wensday, Thursday!
Total=2 days

Wow! I don't know which book is my favorite, but I like them all! I think altogether as a whole story I like it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Start #5

I didn't get very far yet, I read, like, 7 pages. But I'll be reading more, but If I don't read anymore today, I'll start over so today doesn't count, and I don't even have to consider it.
So, yeah, I started today.

For more info, go to my blog archive-2010-Fablehaven challenge

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finish #4

I finished it last night, Until I get the 5th one my mom's having me read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I started last night after I finished Fablehaven, I really don't like Edmund. You might think I'm crazy, but I haven't seen the Movie either, just didn't seem interesting.
Anyway, I finished the fourth Fablehaven for the 2nd time. I decided to count the first day, considering I read about 80 pages in 2 hours, I'm counting it.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Total=3 Days

For more details on the Fablehaven challenges, go to my blog archive-may-Fablehaven challenge

Monday, May 24, 2010

Start #4

I started the forth book Saturday at 8 pm and read 'till 10pm Should I count that day? I got to page 75 on Saturday, but I might not count it. I haven't finished it yet though. I'll let you know if I count it or not when I'm done.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finish #3

I finished it today, but I'm not gonna count today cuz I had like, 7 pages left and It took me 20 minutes to finish. If you disagree with canceling out today for some reason, then leave a comment on this post.
Tuesday, Wensday= 2 days

For more details, look at the blog archive, click 2010-May-Fablehaven Challenge

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Start #3

I started yesterday, and I'm close to halfway though already. I hope to be done soon, I'll inform you ASAP.

For details, check the blog archive, 2010-May-Fablehaven Challenge

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I had an orchestra concert on Tuesday, and I think out of the 3 we did, it was by far the best.

We played:
  • Cripple Creek
  • Russian Music Box
  • Frog in a Tree
  • Dragonhunter

Dragonhunter was my favorite, then Russian Music Box. But Dragonhunter was our finally. I only started at the beginning of the school year, and I plan to continue to Advanced Orchestra next year.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Start and Finish #2

ok, sorry about the late post.
I started the 2nd Fablehaven Tuesday, I haven't really been on since Monday.
And I finished book 2 today.
Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday, Friday. But I started late on Tuesday and got, like, 10 pages done, So I don't think I'll count Tuesday. So . . . . . . . .
Total=3 days

Monday, May 10, 2010

Finished Fablehaven

Ok, I didn't finish fablehaven today, but Saturday.
I started Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Total = 3 days!

Now, for the next book. (I haven't started yet)

(See Fablehaven Challenge for details, try the blog archive if you can find it)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fablehaven start!

I have started the first book today!
I got It just after 2nd period, My friend's(j-bob) sister isn't done with it but it took her 3 months to read about 30 pages! Geez, but J-bob is letting me borrow it, cuz it's really her book.
Yeah, now I've got to finish!

Read post Fablehaven Challenge for details it lists about evey detail I can think of.
Remember: When you start the first book post a comment on this post to let me know.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fablehaven Challenge

Ok, here's how it goes again:
  1. Read the first Fablehaven book, all the way through.
  2. If you finish the first book, and want to continue, read the whole series all the way through
  3. If you've already read the book or series, read it again. See how fast you can read it. If you don't read one day while your still reading the book, It doesn't count as a day. See how many days total it takes you to read a book, and once you're done with the series, add up the grand total!

Here's a few rules/Things to understand:

  1. If you read the first book all the way through, and don't want to continue, Nice you finished one challenge!
  2. If you decide to read the series, and decide to stop before you finish, Too Bad you fail the challenge!
  3. If you cheat on the challenges, live with guilt.
  4. Don't lie, I'll be be posting a quiz(In sections) Once I've finished my challenge
  5. Don't expect a big "You did it " party when you finish a challenge, You might get a "good work" post with your name and others in it, If there are people who want to participate.
  6. If your doing the "reading the book/series" Challenge, don't add up the total days for the reading, that's only for the 2nd time readers.
  7. Let me know when you start/finish a book, post it on the finish book post I let me know the dates started and finished, and how many total days, then on my "Grand Total" post do the same with you're grand total.

Challenge names :

  1. Read Fablehaven through Challenge(RFC)
  2. Read Series through Challenge(RSC)
  3. Total Days Challenge(TDC)

Well, that's it for now. Keep Following!


Ok, I have a few questions. . . . .
  1. How's my blog?
  2. What's you favorite of the 9 Mr. Men Show OC's I've shown you?
  3. How are you doing on my Fablehaven Challenge?
  4. Any questions or comments for me?

I often wonder, Is anyone even on my blog? Well, I'm probably doing this to vent and have comfort that all this Accessible.

I haven't gotten the Fablehaven books yet.

If you don't know what the challenge is, or want to know the conditions, go to my blog archive, click "May" and click "Fablehaven"

I might write the Fablehaven challenge again, just to make it more understandable. Should I?

Monday, May 3, 2010


Ok, I love the Series. My favorite character is Warren, he shows up in the 2nd book, don't ask me why, He's just funny and cool.

Ok, I've read the whole series and I love the turn out of it, I love the ending!

Brandon Mull always has a surprise up his sleeve! He's so creative in his books!

I'll be rereading the series soon, and I want to see how many total days It'll take me to read the whole series, I've read the 5th book in 3 days, and It's almost 600 pages.
I'll let you know when I start, and when I finish one of the books, and how many total days it took. So, keep following. Once I'm done, I'll make I seperate post and add up the grand total!

It might take a while to get the books, I know someone with the series, but I need to start on the 1st one, which her sister is reading really slowly, but I'll get it ASAP.

With my personal challenge, I challenge you too. Read the first Fablehaven all the way through, and If you like it, read the rest of the series all the way through! If you finish the 1st book and decide to try for the whole series, and stop before you finish, you fail. If you read the 1st one through, and don't want to continue, Good Job, You Succeded in my challenge, If you finish the series, Yay! You finished my challenge.
If you've already read the series, I dare you to read it again, do what I'm doing. See if you can beat any of my totals, the Ultimate challenge is to beat my grand total! I know of 1 person who might me. but he probably won't, I read a lot fast. If I want to.

Well, I'm done for now, keep following!