Wednesday, April 28, 2010

School Movie

Ok, In English I'm making a 2min. long movie, and it's fun, It's called "Helping a Hobo"

It's about a hobo begging for change and what happens is that a donator comes by and give him some change, then a businessman just ignores him, then a Prep Girl tries to give him a dollar but breaks a nail, running off, then a Lady gives him $1000.

I'm the Prep Girl! I'm funny, even though in real life I'm not at all Preppy, I'm kinda a tomboy, but partially girlie. But being the Prep Girl is fun!

I wrote the script, and you'd expect that I'd be the director. But I'm not, and really don't mind, It feels like I did more than anyone else really did. But, We're all working hard, It's fun to make a short movie, the other English teacher, Is having her student do a play, which I'm glad I'm not doing.

Maybe If I can, I'll post the movie here on my blog. Maybe, don't count too much on it.

Well, that's all for now, see ya later!

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