Friday, April 30, 2010

Bad Puppy

Ok, Our Puppy "Bailey" was being bad earlier.
  1. She bit me so I put her in her crate
  2. I let her out of her crate and she pees on the carpet and I plop her outside
  3. I asked my sister to watch her outside while clean it up, but I did a little too late, and she was chasing our chickens, then decided to go into out neighbor's horse pasture, so I followed her, but had a hard time catching her, but got her enough to have her trip and fall on her back(she's completely fine) and caught her before she ran off again.

Boy, was I mad at her! Geez, she's FAST.

I locked her in her crate after we brought her inside again.

Don't worry I cleaned up the pee

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I followed myself . . . . . . .

I don't get how I did it, but I followed myself.

Confusing, Isn't it?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

School Movie

Ok, In English I'm making a 2min. long movie, and it's fun, It's called "Helping a Hobo"

It's about a hobo begging for change and what happens is that a donator comes by and give him some change, then a businessman just ignores him, then a Prep Girl tries to give him a dollar but breaks a nail, running off, then a Lady gives him $1000.

I'm the Prep Girl! I'm funny, even though in real life I'm not at all Preppy, I'm kinda a tomboy, but partially girlie. But being the Prep Girl is fun!

I wrote the script, and you'd expect that I'd be the director. But I'm not, and really don't mind, It feels like I did more than anyone else really did. But, We're all working hard, It's fun to make a short movie, the other English teacher, Is having her student do a play, which I'm glad I'm not doing.

Maybe If I can, I'll post the movie here on my blog. Maybe, don't count too much on it.

Well, that's all for now, see ya later!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

News and Rules

Ok, I figured out how to post pics! My blog shouldn't be too boring now. I figured out how to do it in one day! I'm proud of myself. ^^ It'll take a while to update everything, considering my brother just yelled at me, for leaving the dog alone and not giving her attention when we got home, but we got home sooner then he did! And we did give her attention, but I had to do my homework, and my sisters were giving her attention, when she bit one of them and we locked her in the kitchen as a "time out" and he comes home right when she's alone! Geeze!

Rules(Yeah, I haven 'em)
  1. I'm Mormon, and I don't want swearing or rude comments
  2. No dissing me for my crappy blog, it will get better
  3. Please respect that I can't always be here, I don't have free access to the comp. 24/7
  4. No discussing illegal or vandalism actions or plans(which I doubt anyone would do)
  5. Please, be honest

Well, that's all for now . . . .


Ok, If your here . . . . .
Congrats! Your on A-bob's blog.

I'm new at this so, it'll take me a while to figure out how to post pics.

This blog might be boring for a while, please, keep coming, i'll try to get it more interesting ASAP, please enjoy everything I have to offer you!

See you soon!